Quidam's View

Diary of a Mind

by Colleen Barry
Written 12-23-05

Why is it that he is always on my mind?

His presence embedded in the space and time

Rooted in the confines of thought.

I do not understand it;

It leaves me at a loss,

As to why he is always on my waking whim of fantasy.

Never do I tire of what he has to say…

Though admittedly, I do not hear it all for I find myself

Caught up in the song of his melodic voice;

Breaking gently with the next words uttered.

I strive to know more of him

But the gaping hole between us keeps these wishes at bay.

But if words can build a bridge to conquer time and space;

Then we have built a superstructure on conversation alone.

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Poetry by Colleen © 2003-2013