Quidam's View

Courage and Cowardice

by Colleen Barry
Written 03-09-06

Courage laughs in the face of Danger.

Courage stands strong in the presence of Oppression.

Courage does not waiver in the wake of Fear.


Courage can only be halted by Death.

And even then, Courage will put up one hell of a fight.


But to every coin, there are two heads;

To every magnet, a polar opposite…

And to Courage, the other hand deals Cowardice.


Cowardice is quiet, yellow-bellied and meek.

It cries in the wake of Fear;

Falls in the presence of Oppression and

Whines in the face of Danger.


Courage and Cowardice… they thrive in people of the

Same cut of cloth and even dwell simultaneously

In the same soul…


How can they be so different?

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