Quidam's View

Soul Searching

by Colleen Barry
Written 09-11-06

Dedicated to Margaret Barry

I chose the gallows to the alter

When I didn’t do what was best.

But hanging ropes will never keep you

From the life pumping in your chest.


Trying to jump from cliffs that keep on spreading.

And my wings won’t spread when I can’t fly.

Maybe I can get out of this water that I keep treading

If I just believe in myself instead of the reasons why…


Pulling my feet from the sinking sand,

You know I can be successful.

I won’t be held down with ropes or hands.

If you just put my feet back under me…

I will show you the real me… I will show myself victory.


200 million hours (nearly 28 years) for 200 million thrills.

If I should slow my pace,

Please give me cause to finish this race.


I know I can reach the finish and be victorious

If I just choose the alter ‘stead the gallows;

If I choose to be “me” instead of “us.”

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