Quidam's View

The Rites of Spring

by Colleen Barry
Written 03-08-07

The cocoa butter bodies strewn

Across fresh, mint lawns of patchwork grass,

Soon to become the sun-kissed gods of the season,

Lavished with wine and women.


Tan and tawny with their sagging shorts

And sandals dangling carelessly

Off of toes screaming to be free

To run in the lush buds of sod.


The warm breeze with the heat of breath

Still revitalizes and cools;

A phenomenon only possible in the springtime.

It carries in the scent of surf

Causing restless young to yearn

For the ocean waves.


The sun flakes speckling shadows,

Glitter on the dull winter pavement,

Churning it into a cool, butter yellow.


The Dogwood trees, with their twisting limbs,

Blossom snow white

In the gold-green lush of spring

And brush buildings with their virgin fingers.


The birds all a flutter

And the bees’ droning mutters

Floating through the breeze

Bringing flare to the day

That winter solemnly stole.


Pep in step and a clear, cloudless sky

Boasts banana leave trees that only make this feel

More like a tropical paradise.


The beach blanket bathers

Blistering blissfully,

Shedding skin lacking

Appeasing aesthetic and

Pulling on the chocolate cream colors

Of a good spring dessert.


Trees shedding white and grey pale,

Bulking up from the snowy frail

And fail of glowing care through previous months.


It’s days like these when the

Breeze in the trees and the

Chatter of picnic parties,

Makes me grin, enjoying then

The glorious rites of Spring.

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Poetry by Colleen © 2003-2013