Quidam's View


by Colleen Barry
Completed 03-25-07

Two packs a day and

Another waiting in the kitchen.

Oh, and a reefer for the summer days

Drawn out like a sour note.


The tar in your lungs

Enough to pave a roof or

Fill every crack in my street.


Fingers yellowed and pigment gone,

Looking like a tribesman with a

Dykish cut and a turquoise mascot

About your neck.


Your cigarette, like a gestural tool,

Waving it around as you speak,

The cherry dropping off the end

Like the bombshell you used to be.


And my mother, a girl in your shadows,

Trying to play catch up with the “perfect” image

You were finished with, depicted

In the photos now the color of the

Sun brewed tea you sip.


An aging woman

Past her due...

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