Quidam's View

Rising Fallen

by Colleen Barry
Completed 10-06-07

The sirens’ song within–(angelic in its chiming refrain),

Is battling the barking shadows, tearing away at what’s left in the vein.


Sprawled on the floor breathing in the last light of day…

Ice blue eyes now nothing more than ice cold; dead and gray.

Waging wars without brandishing fist or spear,

Instead, letting it all run over by just lying here.


I see hope on the balcony; I can feel it in that snap of air,

And I’d throw myself over if I could just bring myself there.

Pulled toward the edge like a moth to a flame;

Horrified at what my life seemingly became.

But in fear and weakness I’d much rather stay,

Frail as I am, and let the demons play;

Let them taunt me in my hour of need…

Broken and battered; a failure, indeed.


Prickled skin caressed by stilted floors,

Gods of far away heavens watching as I lose a beggar’s war.

Heart beating below breast that painfully aches,

As each throbbing beat signifies another excruciating break.


‘Forever young’ is a cursed blessing in this leg of the journey…

Wanting nothing more than to lay body to rest and let eyelids drop honorably…

Being forever young is not what I wished for at all;

Mounted on silver pedestal, it was obvious I was bound to fall.


I tried with vigor to evoke responses,

Prodding at something I could sense beneath the surface.

But all I felt was anguish within my travel

And a guilt that slowly forced mind to unravel.

I tried so hard with good intentions in mind…

But numbness was all this weary traveler did find.


It was a quicksand pull that landed me here;

Heartless and cold, bitter and feared.


The gossamer curtains fluttering like spirits in the night…

Ready to snatch soul and sprightly take flight.

But as dawn breaks on lackluster eyes,

I’ll stand exposed, allowing darkest demons to die;

I’ll feel the breeze on sallow skin… and every day,

Pushing on, will play out this way.

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Poetry by Colleen © 2003-2013