Quidam's View

There are Days

by Colleen Barry
Written 11-06-08

There are days when I fall into the trap of my own paranoia and wallow in the misery of my personal battles. I toss and turn inside the deepest depths of my mind and wage war against myself and my unaddressed fears. Some days, the fears win, and they steal the very breath from my lungs. Other days, the silver lining shines a little brighter and chases away the black abyss of depression.

Today was, unfortunately, one of the former days. The icy sinews of depression and the anxiety of separation took hold and ruled my mind. In the ebb and flow of my life, love has cheated and died before me many a time. My past loves have created nothing but awkward situations and heartache. Their tormenting ways have set up barriers in my heart and I can only apologize to those with me now for the things I allowed them to steal. Although I feel more whole than I have in years past, I still worry needlessly about the feelings of others (those whom I am currently involved with and those currently in my life) juxtaposed to my own; I worry until I let the fear consume me. But I cannot bring myself to confront the fear either. I cannot seem to find a way to breach the wall so firmly constructed in my mind and talk about that which plagues me, because I do not want to reveal my anxiety or come to find that I have done nothing more than fabricate that which does not exist and reveal the swarm of uncertainty within when proven wrong.

Aside from the skirmish ever-present in my mind as of late (about the trials of loving and losing), in my own troubled mind, I vacillate; my day to day routine has become a depiction of my fleeting sense of serenity. Could this be a possible representation of my own growing torment and current despair as I habitually agonize over the miles between my heart and home?

As days pass and as responsibilities continue to engorge and intrude on every corner of my life, I find it hard to press on, to continue on the path I have set before myself. My mind wanders off to far corners and I can no longer concentrate on the tasks at hand. I daydream haphazardly and oft find myself quaintly tied up in the strings of a wish instead of in the grip of the present.

But luckily, these days are few in number and frequency, and perhaps these fears will be eradicated altogether in time.

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